Community Cardboard Castle Construction

Tuesday, February 18—Saturday, February 22All DayChildren's RoomSargent Memorial Library427 Massachusetts Ave, Boxborough, MA, 01719

Our first Cardboard Castle was so much fun we decided to do it again, and we need your help to build it!

During February Break (Feb 18 - 22) visit the Children's Room to see our creation and add some box "bricks" yourself. We'll provide building materials and tape, you provide the imagination. Together, we'll create a fort-size castle from our recycled materials. Everyone is welcome to participate!

(If you'd like to contribute boxes or paper towel tubes for the castle, you can leave them on Ms. Heather's desk in the Children's Room. We only need cereal/cracker type boxes please. Amazon boxes and other corrugated cardboard boxes are too heavy.)

No Registration Required